Inspiration and Motivation, personal musings, Uncategorized

My Thoughts on Frugality {and a quote that speaks to me}

Frugality is like a game to me. It isn’t about deprivation, but rather about seeing how far I can stretch this, or how much I can save there. Frugal habits might be considered weird in today’s world. I’m okay with weird. <3… Read More My Thoughts on Frugality {and a quote that speaks to me}

encouragement, Inspiration and Motivation

What brings you joy?

What brings you joy? What brings you happiness? Wait. Aren’t they the same thing? Joy is something deep inside me, despite circumstances; it is a contentment and inner peace. Happiness is an outward expression; you can see it on my face. It’s a smile, a laugh. I have been finding little ways to experience joy in my personal… Read More What brings you joy?

encouragement, Inspiration and Motivation, personal musings

Finding Grace and Feeling Thankful

Maybe you’ve heard the phrase, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” I have heard those words many times. And I used to believe they were true. But … I’m not so sure, anymore. A Google search on this topic will turn up various philosophical perspectives, and even Biblical references and research. But,… Read More Finding Grace and Feeling Thankful

encouragement, Inspiration and Motivation, personal musings, Spring

There is always hope … {and a quote that speaks to me}

I adore daffodils. They’re so fresh, and vibrant. One of the first signs of spring — the time of rebirth, and new starts. I love the way daffodils smell. They so strongly bring back poignant memories. Not necessarily sad, but yet, sometimes sad. Daffodils remind me of my childhood, my backyard, and Easter. I remember… Read More There is always hope … {and a quote that speaks to me}

encouragement, Inspiration and Motivation, personal musings, Winter

Confessions of an Anxious Mom {and a Challenge to Help Combat the Demons}

I am stuck. Yet my mind and heart are racing I have so much to say, but there is no one to talk to because this one is sick, and that one, too, and this one just lost her spouse, and that one her only child and I am just mired in my thoughts and… Read More Confessions of an Anxious Mom {and a Challenge to Help Combat the Demons}

encouragement, Inspiration and Motivation, personal musings, Winter

Don’t Pollute Your Mornings {and a quote that speaks to me}

If you have not slept or if you have slept, or if you have a headache, or sciatica, or leprosy, or thunderstroke. I beseech you, by all angels, to hold your peace, and not pollute the morning. – Ralph Waldo Emerson When I first came across this quote, I laughed out loud. I found it… Read More Don’t Pollute Your Mornings {and a quote that speaks to me}

encouragement, Inspiration and Motivation, personal musings, Winter

The Tough Work of Forgiving {and a Quote that Speaks to Me}

Anger sucks. That seeing-red, heart-racing, seething fury we experience when we’ve been wronged in some way. Like “road rage” for any occasion. Yep, I’ve been there. Have you? Indeed. There are countless self-help books aimed at helping us to identify the root cause of our anger. To work through our anger. And ultimately, to control… Read More The Tough Work of Forgiving {and a Quote that Speaks to Me}

draw that pig, encouragement, Inspiration and Motivation, personal musings, Routines

The Need to Streamline My Process {and a quote that speaks to me}

“Don, you need to streamline your process.” Yes, Dad. That I do. For damn sure. This was my dad’s comment as he watched me dig for a bottle of water in my overloaded purse in a hot parking lot at Disney World last June. I was sweaty, frustrated and impatient. My purse strap broke. I… Read More The Need to Streamline My Process {and a quote that speaks to me}

draw that pig, Family Time, Inspiration and Motivation, personal musings, Summertime

Think and Be Brave {You’ve got a friend in me}

Ahhh … Do you ever wonder … is this my right path? Is this where I am supposed to be at this point in my life? I wonder. A LOT! Really, a lot. This summer — 2017. What a whirlwind! It is now going on the second week of August, and I feel as though… Read More Think and Be Brave {You’ve got a friend in me}

Inspiration and Motivation

“I Cried Because I Had No Shoes, Until … {tips for cultivating peace and contentment}

I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. — Persian quote My dad says this all the time. These words remind us to be grateful for what we have. We should not lament what we perceive as a lack, for there is always someone who is making do… Read More “I Cried Because I Had No Shoes, Until … {tips for cultivating peace and contentment}