Craft Shows, draw that pig, Inspiration and Motivation, Sewing Business

Five things you don’t often think to bring to your craft shows {and a quote that speaks to me}

Holiday craft shows are upon us, and Draw That Pig recently survived our first one of the season this past weekend. I have been a vendor at the Galleria at Scranton Prep (my alma mater!) for the past four years. This two-day event is a decent size show, with over 70 vendors, who offer direct… Read More Five things you don’t often think to bring to your craft shows {and a quote that speaks to me}

draw that pig, Sewing Business

Shop local, buy handmade {a review of Draw That Pig}

Handmade is the tangible result of an artist’s passion. Handmade is the sharing of enthusiasm from the artist’s heart to the recipient’s soul. When you buy handmade, you acknowledge this passion and enthusiasm, and you desire to have a piece of it as your own. When you shop local, you are likely to support someone you know, or… Read More Shop local, buy handmade {a review of Draw That Pig}

draw that pig, Inspiration and Motivation

The power of a smile {and a quote that speaks to me}

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”   –Leo Buscaglia A smile. I’m talking about a genuine, from the soul, eye contact made smile. For… Read More The power of a smile {and a quote that speaks to me}