WELCOME to my weekly post where I share about what I’m creating right now and what I’m loving, and give you a peek into what we’ve been up to this past week.
*** What I’m creating …..
It appears as though my creative juices have been running a little thick and slow lately — like that turtle. I get these bursts of creative energy, you know? Small windows where I get excited to sew and create — like last week when I gathered my materials, excited to work on making little bunny treat bags for Easter. Or when I recently received a custom order for a yoga mat bag — and I start to run with the idea. Ooooo … the possibilities of fabric combinations, and what can I do to customize it and make it unique? And my sweet daughter’s request (again) for a memory quilt made from her sports tees and jerseys.
And then, it fizzles. Both the ideas and my drive get shelved for a bit. Mainly due to time constraints. I’m trying to squeeze a lot into my days here, and there are occasions when I just realistically don’t have the time. And then there are occasions when I physically don’t have the energy.

Maybe this. Here’s an idea to try when I have days or weeks like that. When my creative brain is revved up and raring to go, but time constraints or my energy are not cooperating with the follow through, I will put my ideas and thoughts to paper — sort of a creative journal. Just taking a few minutes to jot down some brief thoughts on projects, what has to get done in my sewing business, brainstorming, new ideas, whatever it may be. Then I haven’t lost the thoughts or ideas, and I can revisit them later when I have the opportunity. This way I won’t feel badly for dismissing them altogether, and they will get the attention they deserve when I can devote more time. What do you think?
And as for the other creative soul in my family, Rhianna tried her hand at cake baking and decorating this week.

With minimal help from me, Rhianna mixed up, baked, frosted and decorated her cake independently! I needed to keep reminding myself to encourage her independence and creativity, because her choice of when to do this was not ideal in my brain. LOL She started mixing and baking after Scouts on Monday night (bedtime, anyone?). And then proceeded to frost the cake immediately after school on Tuesday — backpack dropped to the floor and her coat still on. I love her! And best of all, this project gave us the opportunity to discuss the whole experience including praise for a job well done, and what she thought might be better planning for next time. And, by the way, the cake was delicious!
*** What I’m loving …..
I am loving each day as a gift from God.
I am also trying to breathe.
I am trying to see the good.
I am trying to let go of the crap.
I’ve had another emotionally tough week. (How many can there be?) My dad and Brian are holding their own regarding their illnesses and treatment, thank God. But there is more.
Lauren’s best friend was diagnosed with leukemia. It seems incredibly cruel and unfair that in just a few short hours, life can switch from carefree, happy millennial anticipating her wedding day, to scared, sick girl experiencing a devastating and life-changing diagnosis. This beyond sucks. And my Lauren. She is strong, no doubt. She rallies the positive attitude, and she refuses to wallow. But then she cracks … she sobs, she faints, she cannot believe what is happening. No young people should have to go through this. As my friend says, this is the stuff of an older generation, not for young people in the prime of their lives. It is so sad.
My divorce seems to be progressing, but correspondence this week from lawyers stating it is imperative that I uncover every detail of my life for a controlling narcissistic jerk is a punch in the gut. Again, unfair. It rattles me, infuriates me, and drains me. But it is not going to defeat me. No way, no how. I will get through this.
So, what am I loving?
I am loving every minute I have with my family.
I am loving my support system in my parents and in my friends.
I am loving my God, who listens and who gives me strength without question.

I am loving the signs of Spring that I am noticing around my yard. And that the kids and I got outside to practice some catch this week.

I am loving that I am on track with my goal of reading more this year. I am managing one book per month, and I am thrilled with that! This month I chose an easy read. And I am glad that it worked out this way! No heavy stuff for me right now, please.

I am loving our cats, Skylar and Charlie. Some days they are just what the doctor ordered — soft and furry, relaxing to pet, melting away anxiety.

I am loving that James enjoys Scouts, and I also am loving that there are many family-friendly activities where parents and siblings are welcome — like the recent trip to Pet Zone for a hands-on reptile demonstration.

I hope you are doing well, and that you are finding time to create and love the things that are important to you! <3