draw that pig, Inspiration and Motivation, local business, product development, Sewing Business

A New Product Idea in the Making

In my last blog post I shared with you my thoughts and excitement in finding inspiration to create a new product for my Draw That Pig shop. As I set my scene and prepared for the muses to shower me with creativity, I found myself thinking about my Pajama Eaters. Specifically, I was concentrating on what… Read More A New Product Idea in the Making

draw that pig, Inspiration and Motivation, Pajama Eaters, personal musings, Sewing Business

Inspiration for new product ideas {and a quote that speaks to me}

January is an ideal time to take stock of goals, and to create new ones. We know this. How did 2016 go for you? Was it all that you hoped for? (some of what you hoped for?) Did you set goals, work toward them, periodically assess your progress, and learn from your journey? Geez …… Read More Inspiration for new product ideas {and a quote that speaks to me}

personal musings, Recipes

January is Hot Tea Month {and my thoughts on hot tea}

It may seem reasonable that one may be a genuine coffee drinker OR a hot tea drinker. But not really both. I don’t know. Can you be both? Are the two REALLY dichotomous hot beverages? There is a widely accepted generalization, at least here in the Western world, that there are two main camps of hot… Read More January is Hot Tea Month {and my thoughts on hot tea}

Recipes, Uncategorized

Homemade spicy potpourri in less than five minutes!

It’s dreary outside here today. Rainy, and chilly. It is a day that makes me conjure in my mind all things warm and snuggly. Like wearing sweats, curling on the couch with a throw, petting my kitty, and drinking a warm beverage. Oh, and I dream of comfort food, too. Creamy soups, hearty stews, fresh bread.… Read More Homemade spicy potpourri in less than five minutes!

Family Time, Inspiration and Motivation

Some reflections of the past year {and my inspiration for 2017 – favorite blogs}

Well, it’s here. The end of one year. The beginning of another. A time of reflection and assessment and goal-setting. To be honest with you, I don’t have the heart (or the patience) to take stock of my ENTIRE 2016 here on the blog. And I suspect you are secretly thankful. 😉 I will say,… Read More Some reflections of the past year {and my inspiration for 2017 – favorite blogs}

Family Time, Inspiration and Motivation

Sometimes enough is enough … why I cut back this craft show season

Recognizing when enough is enough often means saying no to something. Well .. that’s hard. I have never been great at saying no … for any reason. That translates into being overextended, tired, stressed and resentful. Know that it is a blessing first of all to recognize when you are overextended, and secondly to have the strength to then make clear-minded decisions. Your work will benefit, your family will benefit, and best of all, you will benefit! Breathe easy, my friend! <3… Read More Sometimes enough is enough … why I cut back this craft show season

Craft Shows, draw that pig, Inspiration and Motivation, Sewing Business

Five things you don’t often think to bring to your craft shows {and a quote that speaks to me}

Holiday craft shows are upon us, and Draw That Pig recently survived our first one of the season this past weekend. I have been a vendor at the Galleria at Scranton Prep (my alma mater!) for the past four years. This two-day event is a decent size show, with over 70 vendors, who offer direct… Read More Five things you don’t often think to bring to your craft shows {and a quote that speaks to me}


Shop local, buy handmade {a review of Fly Me Home}

Small business owners are unique. Typically in our businesses we are every role from chief cook to bottle washer, and lots more in between! Yet, commonly, we start out as makers. We have a creative niche that we have found, and we LOVE IT! This is our hobby. Our peace. Our passion. Then … one… Read More Shop local, buy handmade {a review of Fly Me Home}

Fall Activities, Family Time, Halloween, Inspiration and Motivation, Uncategorized

Halloween 2016 in the books {and looking forward to my favorite Thanksgiving-time shows}

And so. Halloween 2016 is in the books. With a decent haul of candy, and no tummy aches to date. 😉 My babes enjoyed themselves in various Halloween activities over the last week. And my oldest did not hesitate to celebrate this fun time with friends. And, to add a touch of hectic to the weekend,… Read More Halloween 2016 in the books {and looking forward to my favorite Thanksgiving-time shows}

draw that pig, Sewing Business

Shop local, buy handmade {a review of Draw That Pig}

Handmade is the tangible result of an artist’s passion. Handmade is the sharing of enthusiasm from the artist’s heart to the recipient’s soul. When you buy handmade, you acknowledge this passion and enthusiasm, and you desire to have a piece of it as your own. When you shop local, you are likely to support someone you know, or… Read More Shop local, buy handmade {a review of Draw That Pig}