I’m so over this Pod. I really am. I want to snap my fingers at it, kind of in an impatient way. I’m done with you!
This ginormous box has been taking up a good amount of space on my lawn since April. That’s long enough. It’s time. I have been chipping away at emptying it since then. Honestly, do you know how much stuff the movers packed in there? How did I accumulate so much? {facepalm}
Actually, this box has served me well over the past few months. There is just NO WAY — none — that I could have cleaned, painted and re-arranged my house while tripping over and shuffling around all my stuff. It was a good idea to rent this, if I do say so myself. But it’s time. I can think of better ways to spend that $117 a month (like saving a bit for Christmas).
Well, its days are numbered. I called to schedule a pick-up for Saturday. So, that means the Pod will be “empty, clean and accessible” in six days — including today. I can do this! Part of the problem is that some of the furniture in there is *heavy.* Like Rhianna’s dresser that I just cleaned and carted up to her bedroom. And part of the problem is that some of those things still don’t have a proper home. Random things. And sewing supplies .. always a never-ending fabric stash, packaging supplies, etc.

I’m taking a break as I type this. But I do have to bust out a good amount of emptying today. Once the work week starts, and the kids’ activities along with it, there just isn’t much time. Why does it have to be 83 degrees right now? That means its about 93 degrees in the damn Pod.
Well, off I go. I’m in the home stretch now! <3